Share a Meal, Share Stories, Share Support
When people of all backgrounds come together and share a meal, a lot of learning takes place. This is one of the most important opportunities that we offer - our secret sauce. We create a casual and comfortable setting for people seeking recovery and for the whole community to come together to share a meal. Our connections go beyond religion, race, age, circumstance, whether we've been in jail or not; that’s how the neighboring happens.
Opportunities to Learn from Our Neighbors
Find guidance from people with similar experiences to your own. Learn from each other, use the combined strength of your experiences—successes and failures—as well as knowledge to get through periods of increased hardship with your head up and mind ready to take on the next challenge that life throws at you.
Peer Supports
Knowledge doesn't just come from taking the class or reading the book, it often comes most profoundly from our own lived experiences. That is what Peer Supports are - they are our peers - people who have shared our experiences, who have gone through similar struggles and come through them to the other side and can share their own experience, strength and hope. Here, we come together with others to foster a feeling of fellowship.
ReNeighboring Our Community
The level of depth and connection in our community is what makes us a neighborhood, not just a network. We use our varied experience to optimize how we navigate the resources that are here. We'll hold the flashlight as you make your way down this path. We walk With All, and we walk together. This is also a way that you can give back to the community in the same way that you were helped for a full circle well-being.
Foster Care and Families
It takes a village. It's not just about therapy for the kids, it’s about something fun to do on Saturday mornings that's healthy and postive.
Connect and communicate positively with families experiencing unemployment, relocation, alcoholism, drug abuse, domestic violence, mental and physical health problems as well as discrimination stemming from racism with the goal of creating a safe environment for all family members by connecting them to helpful resources.
Survivors Of Trauma
We’re engaging in Trust-based relational intervention. Those same pathways that take trauma and turn it into PTSD will take loving kindness and turn it into well-being.
Science says you can rewire your brain. It took negative circumstances and experience to cause trauma - in the same way, positive circumstances and experiences can build new pathways to good mental health.
We connect people suffering from PTSD to resources that will help them manage their trauma and be there with them every step of the way on their treatment path to healing and recovery. Here are some of our learnings about trauma and recovery
Substance Use Disorder
Support groups and recovery resources for substance use disorder and addiction, so you can meet people who want to be and continue to be sober, learn to work through your cravings without relapsing, find people like yourself who are going through the same thing, and get positive support for your recovery.
Justice Involved
We can be your first call when you come out jail. If you need a ride home, we will be there. That’s what neighbors do.
We want to be advocates for people that are stuck in the system. To do this we provide rides to court, assist with bail payments to free people who are incarcerated, and other services to those who are stuck in the justice system.
See our introduction to Smart Justice from 2020